City of Norman Program

Maggie Griffith, Interim Director
(405) 366-5325
Facsimile: (405) 366-5294

Norman Municipal Court
321 North Webster
Norman, OK 73069

The City of Norman Program serves those who live in the city limits of Norman, Oklahoma

City of Norman Municipal Court

Our mission is to provide quality mediation services to the City of Norman in an effective and timely manner. Our program utilizes a team of dedicated, passionate, well trained volunteers to help those in conflict in our community.

Please Contact Program Director for Scheduling Mediation.

City of Norman Program News and Updates!

Early Settlement – City of Norman Volunteer Mediator Reception! Mayor Larry Heikkila made certificate presentations and refreshments were served to those in attendance at a recent reception. Pictured are Front Row (L to R) Phil Johnson, State Director, Alternative Dispute Resolution System, Katy Powers, Lisa Roberts, Bill Scanlon, Maggie Griffith, Mediation Coordinator, Mayor Larry Heikkila, Ronda Guerrero, Court Administrator. Back row (L to R) Julie Hopper, David Gandesbery and Mark Emerson.

New Trainees!  The Early Settlement  Mediation – City of Norman and Central programs co-hosted a Basic Civil Mediation Training on September 28-29th at the City of Norman Council Chambers.  Community volunteers will mediate cases for  both programs.  If you are interested in becoming a volunteer mediator go to:
Ronda Guerrero, Court Administrator, spoke with citizens at a city event about the Mediation Program to inspire citizens to ask about being a volunteer mediator.   
City of Norman Court Administrator, Ronda Guerrero, and Early Settlement Mediation Program Director, Jessie Jackson, recently accepted an appreciation award from Phil Johnson, State Director, Alternative Dispute Resolution System.

The City of Norman Program is growing — and we want you to join us! As a volunteer mediator, you will assist people in your community in resolving conflict.

Volunteer Forms

Intake Forms

Mediation Forms

Mediation Information